Tuesday 27 November 2007

Going Skiing? Go Prepared

Statistics for ski holidays shows that one in seven holiday makers will face some kind of injury. These injuries can vary greatly, and can be very nasty from a sprained wrist and twisted knee to an open fracture of you lower limbs.

Those embarking on a skiing holiday for the first time should really make sure they are prepared for what is in store for them as these holidays can be very demanding physically. It is estimated that last year, through injuries, winter sports holiday makers lost out on £4.5 in unused ski passes.

It is important to make sure you are in shape ready for the holiday, so your body can keep up with the demands of the slopes.
It is worthwhile to take some lessons on a dry ski slope on home soil first, so you can get to grips with the technique and will have more time drifting down the slopes at break neck speeds.

Those venturing out to the mountains should also always ensure they have appropriate ski insurance. Be warned that a regular travel insurance policy will be unlikely to cover you for skiing accidents; you will instead need to seek winter sports cover.

Those looking to be even more adventurous and head off piste or try their hand at something like heli skiing will need to check whether this is covered in their policy by checking the terms.

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